Let's Talk About Acceptance

In today’s society we are constantly fed language that glorifies our efforts to cancel out anything that interferes with our positivity. The truth is, everyone experiences stress and negative thoughts/ feelings at times, and the more we resist, ignore and push them away, the more often they push back harder demanding our attention.

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Lauren Wallis
How to separate work from leisure during COVID-19

Put your hand up if the COVID-19 restrictions mean you’re now working from home!

If we were all in the same room, a staggering number of you would have your hands up right now.

Find strategies to separate work from leisure to maintain mental wellness.

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Using Marie Kondo’s Method to Redesign Your Career

It’s not just a method about folding, it’s about identifying priorities and putting intentional effort into things that bring us joy. “The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.”

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Minimize the Chaos (Be Merry and Bright)

I’m sitting in a coffee shop right now, with a warm cozy scarf, lemon tea and the Charlie Brown Christmas album playing on my headphones. While this is a perfect setup, we all know that the holidays aren’t always as cozy and calm as this. In fact, they can often be hectic, exhausting, painful and lonely.

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Constructing a Unique, Meaningful Blueprint of Your Future

Don’t ever give up if this is something you crave and you haven’t quite found it. Sometimes it takes time, and experience in other fields. It will likely take some exploration, and getting up close and personal with who you are and what you really want out of life.

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Choosing Gratitude

When large events and transitions come up in our lives, it’s easy to quickly judge whether they’re ‘good’ or ‘bad’ from the outset. But getting fired from one job might mean that you’re now free to pursue another job that’s even better suited to you and your needs.

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